World of Warcraft Gold Guide Tip #2

Here’s one I haven’t tried yet, but the Warcraft Gold Guide claims it can get 30-60 gold an hour.

Dark Iron Mining – used for crafting high end items and to gain reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood. The best place to mine Dark Iron is in Blackrock Depths.

When you enter Blackrock Depths, use lockpicking or the Shadowforge key to open the door to your left. Go straight ahead into an area called Dark Iron Highway. Kinda makes sense this would the place you mine Dark Iron.

There are a lot of dark iron spawn points in here and according to the guide, you should be able to hit one or two each time. All you have to do is mine the ore, leave, reset the instance, and do it over again. A rogue or druid should be able to stealth in and a hunter can feign death to escape the mobs around the ore. Other classes might need some support to keep the mobs off while the mining takes place.

Since you are reseting an instance each time, the mob and ore locations will vary. Sometimes, it will be smooth sailing to get to the ore and mine it, other times, there will be some many mobs between you and the ore that reseting again is the best idea.

Dark Iron mining can usually get 20-40 dark iron ore per hour. Since 1 piece of Dark Iron Ore sells for between 1-4 gold , that can add up quickly. Also, there is a chance for a Blood of the Mountain drop when mining. So rare that it goes for 30-100 gold. Even if you only got one of those a day to go with 20 iron ore, you would be looking at 50 g for your hour of time.

The Gold guide has a color map of all of the mining points and the best route to take. I’m certainly going to try this technique out when I get the chance.

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